Thursday, June 25, 2009

Three little bug fixes

  • Bug fix for pipe chars in notes icon tooltip
  • Bug fix for ticklers being created without a realm
  • New tickler in 'Process' menu now behaves like '+ tickler' in the top menu bar
New revision number is 9902. Update in the usual way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice work!

May I point out another slight issue along the lines of the pipe one?

If you create an Action with a title containing double quotes (e.g. Read "Moby Dick"), when you open it, the selection boxes that normally appear all contain error messages. I am _fairly_ sure (but not 100%) that this was introduced at the same time as the pipe bug.

3:33 AM PDT  
Blogger Jed said...

I've been using MonkeyGTD for a couple of months, but hadn't ever upgraded until this upgrade (sorry, not sure what version I was using before). I've always used it with the 'save to web' option.

Now no matter what I input or delete, it keeps resetting itself back to the items that I had when I upgraded. Really frustrating!! Did I do something wrong, or is this a bug?

3:58 PM PDT  
Blogger simon said...

If you save to web (I presume you are using Tiddlyspot?) then you should get message box confirmation when the save is complete. Do you see this confirmation?

8:10 PM PDT  
Blogger Jed said...

yes, I always wait to make sure to stick around to see that. If I then close and immediately re-open the page, my changes are saved... but if I wait overnight (usually the only time I close MonkeyGTD anyway), the changes are gone again -- always reset to the same tasks. Any ideas?

8:20 PM PDT  
Blogger simon said...

Perhaps you are seeing a cached version. Try a shift reload perhaps?

11:01 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

re. the double quotes (@Anonymous): there's already a ticket for it in the bug tracker - see unicode 0022 in tiddler titles

11:41 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Simon. Not sure if you are aware of this bug. Putting a right hand square bracket (]) anywhere in project or action notes breaks the action/project. By which I mean, the whole note is spewed out onto the dashboard area.

Release number is 9902.


2:41 PM PDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

I've been using MonkeyGTD for about 8 months now. Before that, I tried other desktop and web applications but none of them come close to the great functionality and versatility as MonkeyGTD, period. Thank you!
I usually save my GTD file version 3 Alpha r8415 to Dropbox and as a backup I upload them to Tiddlyspot, so I don't use / don't need the "SaveBackups" and "AutoSave" functions.
Yesterday I downloaded version r9902 (did not upgrade my GTD file yet), started playing around, and found out that I cannot disable the "SaveBackups" and "AutoSave" anymore. My older version works Ok. Any clues?

8:45 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure where to ask this question. I'm a complete newcomer to MonkeyGTD. Does MonkeyGTD update itself automatically? If not, how do I update, without losing my work?


11:15 AM PDT  
Blogger simon said...

See here

3:28 PM PDT  
Blogger ffolliet said...

off thread but stuck.

used to run mGTD but distracted by android phone.

wanted to download new version but when i go to

and click download i just get another line on the page and can't see (for a novice) what to do from there. is it me? or is there something obvious i'm missing?

5:08 AM PDT  
Blogger simon said...

ffoliet, do you mean download on the android itself? I don't know. But you could try right clicking, save as... on

3:45 PM PDT  
Blogger simon said...

3:45 PM PDT  

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