Thursday, January 29, 2009

MonkeyGTD Demo Screencast

A thirteen minute screencast created by Martin Stewart from BT Design. It shows an introduction to MonkeyGTD and takes you through creating an example project and adding a few actions.

The screencast gets mentioned on GTD Times.

(Thanks Clint for the heads up).


...about 10 minutes to truly fall in love with this app. I stayed up till midnight... I FELT amazingly productive...
Read the full article here.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Something for Tiddlyspot/ MonkeyGTDers with iPhones

Here's a new feature you can try with your MonkeyGTD on Tiddlyspot.
Before you get too excited, it's just a read-only view of just your next actions per context. But it might be handy if you're out and about and trying to remember that thing you're supposed to be doing.